This time we will make a “transparency” comparison between our webshop & 3 of our competitors. While online shopping offers plenty of advantages, the fact that you can’t “touch” & “examine” the product, is a limiting factor for many people. As “greek foodtales” we invest a lot in order to provide you all the information about the product you are going to purchase. Namely, from the barcodes, weight/volume & dimensions to ingredients, allergens & nutritional facts, but also the prices per kg/lt & expiring dates!
The product we have chosen for our comparison is the Whole Kalamata Olives in Brine. Ours are from “Sativa” (a company that we work with since 2013!) while our competitors have all, the ones from “Olymp”. Another basic difference is that ours are in a PET & not a glass jar like the rest. The reason we have chosen this is also based on our “Food Science” knowledge! Our Kalamata Olives are first placed in the PET & then filled with warm brine that pasteurizes them before the sealing of the pack. This results in very tender & crisp olives, full of flavour. The ones in the glass jars follow a different process though… the olives with the brine are sealed in the jars & then pasteurized. This leads to the cooking of the product inside the jar until the pasteurization is complete, thus making the olives soft & mushy!

*Product Screenshots were taken on 25/02/25
But now let’s check the information provided & how easy it is to compare them price-wise! You can immediately see that even though we have the same “Olymp” product, the 2 competitors (namely 1 & 2) mention that you buy 320g of the product, while the 3rd one states that is only 170g! If you check our product page & the information provided, you will see that our olives have a Net Weight of 780g & a Drained Weight of 500g… so you buy 500g of Kalamata Olives in 280g of Brine! That means that the competitors 1 & 2 are actually “tricking” you by letting you believe you buy 320g of olives when you buy only 170g!!!
When you want to compare the prices of the 3 same products from the competitors, it is easier with the assumption that you do not take into account the wrong information provided in their titles regarding the weights. But what happens when you want to compare them with ours? This is what the price/kg stands for & it is why the law obliges the companies to provide it for all the products! As you can see, only competitor 2 complies with this law, in a misleading way though. For those types of products (like ie also for Feta in Brine) the price/kg should be calculated based on the Drained & not the Net Weight, since you pay for Kalamata Olives & not for Brine…
Doing the correct maths for you (& for them!) we have a cost of 17.65€/kg for competitor 1, 20.88€/kg for competitor 2 (& not 11.09€/kg as he states) & 22.88€/kg for competitor 3. Ours, as you can see, cost only 10.50€/kg! Given also the huge difference in taste, we have once again proven our “Quality to Price Guarantee”!