
Quality to Price Guarantee – “Spoon Sweets” Comparison


“Spoon Sweets” aka “Glyka tou Koutaliou” are from the most traditional Greek products… but how traditional are really the ones to be found in the Dutch market? Let’s start comparing the 3 brands we find mostly in the market next to ours as conscious foodlovers (& not food scientists this time)! We chose the cherry flavour as one of the most typical & easy-going ones.

This time we will start with our product from the “Golden Apple” brand. You can see a product without colourings so having the real, & not artificial, cherry colour. Other than that we talk about a pure product free-from any additives & preservatives… that is also suitable for vegans even though not certified as such. Fruits cooked in sugar syrup with a bit of lemon juice, mainly to avoid sugar crystallization on the shelf, exactly as our grandmothers were making them!

*Product Prices were taken on 10/11/2022

When looking at the 3 competitive brands we see that they all have the same content of fruit… but we can reassure you no one even gets close to the taste of ours! The differences are that all of them are mainly (or exclusively) in glucose syrup, are artificially flavoured & coloured but also contain an anti-mould preservative. The use of citric acid instead of lemon juice is not that important quality-wise. Additionally, carmine is a colouring of a chemical-treated base that is extracted from insects’ bodies. So, the 2 of them are also not suitable for vegans. Finally, the most expensive one (but really expensive) has another colouring agent that allows the product to be vegan-approved.

So, we have 2 brands of lower quality & similar or higher price for almost half of the product… & another one of similar size & price but again of lower quality! Ah, we should also mention that the “Spoon Sweets” from “Golden Apple” are in our assortment from the 1st day of our operation back in 2013 & “Morning Tales” in Wageningen!

Click here & discover the whole product range from “Golden Apple”!

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