Arnaki tou Vounou

Oven Lam met Mosterd, Honing & Bergthee
180 minuten
4 mensen


  • 1kg Lamsbout Zonder Bot 
  • 800g Baby Aardappelen
  • 200g Wortelen
  • 200g Mosterd
  • 100g Bloesemhoning
  • 10g Bergtheebloesems
  • 500ml Gekookt Water
  • 3-4x Knoflookteentjes
  • 150ml Extra Vierge Olijfolie
  • 1x Citroen
  • 10g Puur Zeezout
  • 3-4g Oregano
  • Vers Gemalen Pepermix


“Arnaki tou Vounou” is our variation for the traditional oven lamb that is cooked in Greek mountain tea (tsai tou vounou) extract!

Start by boiling the lamb leg at medium to high fire for 10-15 mins in order to get rid of unwanted flavours & part of the liquids/fat. In the same time place the mountain tea blossoms in a measuring cup & fill it up to 500ml with boiled water & let it for 8-10mins to extract its flavours. Preheat your oven at 200oC & use the upper resistance & air.

Use a clean sponge to scrub the potatoes with water in order to wash them with their skin. Cut in halves or quarters & place them in the “gastra” (clay or glass oven pot with lid). Peel & wash the carrots & add them in the casserole after cutting them into small pieces. Take the lamb from the pot & place it in the middle of the casserole. Add the garlic cloves smashed or finely chopped. Spread the mustard & the honey evenly along the surface. Add the sea salt, the oregano & grind fresh pepper to taste. Mix carefully the ingredients & turn around the lamb a couple of times. Empty the mountain tea extract using a strainer to keep the blossoms away. Squeeze the lemon over a strainer to keep the seeds away of the food. Finally, sprinkle the olive oil.

Cover the pot with the lid & place it in the preheated oven for 2-2.5h. Every 30mins in the beginning (till 1,5h) & every 15mins later (>1,5h) take the “gastra” out of the oven & mix carefully while turning the lamb upside down or simply “bathing” it with the juices in order not to burn its surface. If it remains very watery remove the lid after the 1,5h in order to let it evaporate faster without overcooking your meal.

When ready cut the meat into portions & serve with the vegetables. Use a big spoon to drizzle the pot liquids over every plate you serve.

Tip: You can add coarsely chopped spring onions & kalamata olives for the last 15-30mins of cooking to add extra flavour.

Enjoy with a glass of elegant red wine!

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